Trysta's family Andy, Gwyned and Thomas are three of Trysta's children. |
Andy - the son of Trysta and Deomede. His two children are Marta and Peter.
Trysta's family. |
Anney - the Atlantis Clone who was best able to access information about Deep Time by using the Bimanoid Interface.
Ariella Merritt - an analogue of writer Abraham Grace Merritt. Ariella lived in the Ekcolir Reality.
Asterothropes - The Asterothropes are a primate variant that was designed to efficiently spread through outer space and colonize new worlds.
Science fiction from just before the Buld Reality. Reconstruction by Ivory using original cover art by Joseph Tillotson |
Bimanoid Interface - originally developed by the Huaoshy as a way to communicate with and control the Kac'hin. The bumpha then worked hard to make it possible for some humans to have a limited ability to use the Bimanoid Interface as a way of communicating with replicoids in the Hierion Domain.
Buld - a human variant created in the Galactic Core and specializing in long-distance space travel at speeds just below the speed of light.
Buld Reality - the Final Reality in our Reality Chain; the world as we know it. Our Reality was preceded by the Ekcolir Reality.
bumpha - originally one of the two main political factions of the Huaoshy. The term "bumpha" is often applied to the secretive beings who created the human species on Earth.
Creators - a term used on planets like Hemmal to refer to the assumed creators the Prelands. Less religious and more scientific Genesaunts use the term "Huaoshy". In the context of Earth and human origins: the bumpha.
Artist's depiction of Trysta and Ekcolir. source |
Deomede - the father of Andy and Gwyned. Deomede is the analogue of Ekcolir in the Buld Reality.
dimensional engineering - the Huaoshy possess the technological ability to make alterations to the dimensional structure of the universe.
E. Kavie Jarvis - an important science fiction author in the Ekcolir Reality who had no analogue in the Final Reality.
Ekcolir - the father of Thomas and the prototypical Ek'col.
Ek'col -an engineered human variant that was designed and crafted so as to be inter-fertile with Trysta. Ekcolir and Deomede were two of the Ek'col who lived on Earth.
Ekcolir Reality - the Reality that came just before the Buld Reality.
femtobot - a femtoscale artificial intelligence device. An advanced form of nanite that is composed of hierions.
our Reality Chain |
Future Science - established as The Magazine of Future Science by Shana Peterson.
Galactic Core - the central region of the galaxy where all complex native life forms had been eliminated by gamma rays. Galactic Cores contain many Earth-like planets that are available for colonization.
Gohrlay - the human who was turned into a fixed point in time, existing in all Realities. In the First Reality, Gohrlay's brain structure was used as the template for positronic brains.
Grean - The Kac'hin hermaphrodite who fought R. Gohrlay during the Time Travel War and who collaborated with Trysta to devise and implement the Trysta-Grean Pact that ended the Time War.
hierion - a form of matter not yet understood by human physicists. Hierions naturally reside in the Hierion Domain of the universe. Also see: sedron.
Humanoid extinction curve. (Horizontal axis: time) |
Huaoshy - ancient aliens who originated in a distant galaxy several billion years ago.
infites - information nanites. A form of advanced technology based on nanoscale (or smaller) devices; used to hold, process and transfer information.
Ivory - Ivory Fersoni was the stem for production of the Atlantis Clones.
our Reality Chain |
Marta - Ivory's mother. Marta is the daughter of Lili and Andy.
microchange - a small change to a timeline that cannot overcome existing temporal inertia and trigger a Reality Change.
Minimum Necessary Change - often abbreviated M.N.C., this is a technical term used by time travelers. First described by Isaac Asimov (in our Reality), when trying to cause a specific Reality Change, it is often advantageous for the time travel technician to use a small and clever alteration of the timeline rather than a large messy change that will have unwanted side-effects.
nanites - technically, nanites are nanoscale devices, but through time the category "nanites" has been generalized and expanded to include all types of submicroscopic robotic devices, including femtobots and zeptites.
Parthney - a clone of Thomas. See Exode.
pek - originally one of the two main political factions of the Huaoshy. The term "pek" is often applied to the secretive beings who tried to replace the human population of Earth with Prelands.
Peter - the son of Lili and Andy.
Preland - the primate species that was crafted by the pek as a replacement successor for the human species.
Reality - a technical term used by time travelers. When a new timeline of events is initiated by a time traveler, the old previously existing Reality is terminated and a new Reality is brought into existence.
Reality Chain - the sequence of Realities that led to the universe as we know it. Transitions from an existing Reality to a new Reality are called Reality Changes.
Reality Viewer - a device using advanced sedronic technology that allows for viewing of events at precise times and places within a Reality.
replicoid - replicoids are artificial life forms that exist in the Hierion Domain. Replicoids originally came into existence when the positronic robots of Earth needed to amplify Temporal Momentum and impose a powerful temporal inertia on humans during Reality Changes. Later, many uses were found for replicoids.
Rilocke - the artificial life form that carries memories from Ekcolir.
Roben Skapp - the analogue of Gohrlay who lived in the Ekcolir Reality
Roberta Williams - In the Ekcolir Reality, Roberta was the analogue of Robert Moore Williams.
sedron - sedrons are among the major forms of matter along with the hadrons and the hierions. Sedrons are the basis for time travel and faster-than-light space travel.
See A Search Beyond for an investigation of how Earthlings obtained sedrons to power their interstellar space craft in the Asimov Reality.
Special thanks to Miranda Hedman ( for "Black Cat 9 - stock" that I used to create the blue "sedronite". Howard Brown art; 1934 and 1935 |
Shana Peterson - the founding editor of Future Science magazine. In addition to mentoring many aspiring writers, Shana published her own science fiction stories in various pulp magazines.
Syon - the artificial life form that carries memories from Trysta.
temporal momentum - Temporal inertia is a natural feature of Time. When the positronic robots of Earth needed to make Reality Changes less chaotic, they found it possible to store replicoids of humans in the Hierion Domain, forcing successive Realities to include analogues of the same people.
A film in the Ekcolir Reality based on Miners of Earth by Thomas. |
time travel - time travel technology was first developed by the positronic robots of Earth. Part way through the Final Reality, further time travel became impossible due to a dimensional engineering project.
Time Travel War - a struggle that arose between the positronic robots of Earth and the alien Huaoshy.
tryp'At - the human variant crafted by the pek to function as Earth Overseers after the end of the Time War.
Trysta - the last remaining Asterothrope. Trained as Time Change Technician, she used various cover names on different missions including Noÿs Lambent and Trysta Iwedon. Her original name was Skaña.
Trysta-Grean Pact - the plan devised by Trysta and Grean for how to bring into existence the Final Reality.
Science fiction by Ariella Merritt in the Ekcolir Reality. Reconstruction by Ivory using original cover art by Joseph Tillotson |
zeptite - zeptoscale artificial intelligences, composed of sedronic matter. The smallest form of nanite. See: femtobot.
zeptite endosymbiont - humans are a symbiotic life form composed of biological cells and zeptites. See: nanites.
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Trysta and Ekcolir is copyright John Schmidt, but the text of the story is licensed for sharing under the Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike (CC BY-NC-SA) license.
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